


Nye grænseværdier for byggeriets CO2-udledning?

When will your construction project reach the CO2 limit?

The requirements for CO2e emissions per m2 will be stricter towards 2029, and from 2023, all new buildings over 1,000 m2 will have to document that they emit a maximum of 12 kg CO2e per m2 per year.

With early efforts in the concept design phase, Sweco’s LCA specialists can help your project comply with legal requirements – with a keen eye on the future lower ceiling.

Go to our LCA database


The requirements are further tightened with the addition of requirements for the construction process


We have experience with the climate impact of construction through more than 210 projects


We have 65 employees across disciplines who work as sustainability leaders, DGNB consultants and auditors etc.

LCA af transformationen af Tscherninghuset Hedehusene
Plushusene Tårnby, Hedehusene, Nivå, Ballerup
The climate impact from construction and building materials

At Sweco, we target the climate impact of construction through life cycle assessments (LCA) of buildings and building materials in the early design stages.

Buildings and their impact on the climate – LCA

We have experience with the climate impact of construction through more than 120 construction projects, including offices, housing, daycare centres, new construction and renovations. We also have experience in preparing life cycle assessments according to various standards such as the Danish “den frivillige bæredygtighedsklasse” (FBK, The Voluntary Sustainability Class), DGNB, or national standards from the UK, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands and others.

Building materials and their impact on climate – EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)

It is essential to have product-specific environmental product declarations for each construction product or industry to be able to calculate the climate impact of a building accurately. These are called industrywide (or sector) EPDs. We prepare an EPD by means of a life cycle assessment, that we have verified by an independent third party after which it is published on a recognized EPD platform such as EPD-Danmark.

Here at Sweco, we prepare environmental product declarations for construction products and offer guidance to manufacturers on optimizing production processes to minimize climate impact and other environmental effects. The environmental product declarations, which are used by LCA consultants, architects, and engineers, are typically included in the calculation of a building’s climate impact through a building LCA. These are prepared in connection with DGNB certification of a building and the climate requirement in the Danish building regulations that came into force on January 1, 2023. By leveraging various types of life cycle assessments, we deliver significant value that our clients benefit from through our consultancy services.

Meet our specialists

Our growing team of specialists across the country are experienced in preparing life cycle assessments for buildings and materials. We are ready to guide you on how to minimise the climate impact of your project.

Christine Collin

Christine Collin

Head of Sustainability

Nana Lin Rasmussen

Sustainability Engineer / LCA Consultant
Rikke Schack

Rikke Schack

Sustainability Engineer / LCA Consultant